Hidden Dangers When Buying a Home

Buying a home is a major undertaking, and it represents one of the largest expenditures most people make. How can you be sure when making a real estate purchase that it is a worthy investment, free from issues that could cost you money shortly after moving in? While there is no way to make this process completely foolproof, there are steps you can take to uncover hidden issues in your new home which could threaten your financial security while putting your family at risk.
Hidden Dangers to Look For
When buyers look at prospective homes, they are often most concerned with getting the amount of space they need, in a neighborhood that is safe and close to work or your children’s school. There likely is a minimum bedroom and bathroom range you have in mind, along with extras, such as double garages, office space, outdoor sheds, and architectural features. Unfortunately, it is the things that you may not be looking for on your home tour that could end up costing you money in the long run when buying a home. Fox News recommends that along with getting thorough home inspections, you should be alert to these four common, hidden dangers:
Mold: This is a major problem in homes that have sustained hurricane damage, along with those that have poor insulation. While a few mold spores is not necessarily a deal breaker, a larger colony could have already caused damage to walls and building materials, and may endanger your family’s health.
Termite damage: Termites can go undetected for years, slowly eating away at wooden structures in and around your home. While signs such as wood buckling or rotting is a strong indicator you may have a problem, getting a professional termite inspection is well worth the time and effort.
Foundation issues: Buyers tend to look at what is eye level, but making a thorough sweep inside and out of the lower portion of the home should be at the top of your list. Cracks in the foundation will likely show up in any home inspection, but you also want to be alert to sagging eaves and uneven yards, which can divert water towards your home causing potential future foundation problems.
Bad wiring: According to the National Fire Protection Association, faulty wiring is one of the leading causes of home fires. Particularly if there are newly added DIY additions, updates, or items such as new lighting features, you want to check with the homeowner to make sure any of the wiring done along with it is up to code.
Let Us Help You Today
When you are in the market to buy a home, it is important to have an experienced New York real estate attorney on your side to ensure you are protected. Contact Cavallo & Cavallo to request a consultation on how we can use contract wording and clauses to help ensure you get the most out of your investment, while holding sellers accountable for promises and assurances made.