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Bronx & Westchester Estate Planning Attorney > Blog > Buying and Selling > Making Sure Your New Home Is Child Safe

Making Sure Your New Home Is Child Safe

When shopping around for a new home, many of us focus on the location and its proximity to where we work, the amount of rooms or square footage the home contains, and of course, the price. For couples with children or those planning on having little ones in the future, there are additional concerns, such as being in an area with quality schools, being close to grandparents or other loved ones, and the presence of other families with children in the neighborhood. Above all else, you want to be sure that you are buying a home that your children will be safe, secure, and happy in. Knowing what to look for in a new home is important, and the following are some tips to help you pick the right one for your growing family. 

Finding The Right Home For You and Your Children

It is easy to get overwhelmed by choices when looking for a new home. Your shopping list likely includes things that are ‘wants’, such as open floor plans, lots of windows, or maybe items such as a fireplace or a deck. Of course, there are the ‘must haves’ too, such as a good location, solid construction, and a price that fits your budget. On top of all this, you will want to make sure the house you choose will be right for your children. Your children’s safety is a top priority, and Discover Card mortgage services offers these tips for evaluating homes you look at and the neighborhoods they are in:

  • Look online to find crime statistics and information on the local police and fire departments.
  • Check out the local school district and its rankings in terms of safety and academic success.
  • Inspect the neighborhood. Are there playgrounds, recreation centers, and parks for your children to play?
  • Pay attention to the streets near the home. Do they have sidewalks, traffic lights, stop signs, and crosswalks? What are the posted speed limits? Are there speed bumps to slow drivers down and signs indicating ‘Children At Play’?
  • Is there a housing association or neighborhood watch group in place? Are there opportunities to meet neighbors and other families?

In addition to the above questions, spend an afternoon hanging out in the neighborhood. Go to the park, stop in any stores, and walk up and down a few of the streets. Talk to some of your potential neighbors, and find out what they have to say about living in the area.

Making Your Home Kid Friendly and Safe

While the neighborhood is important, you also want to be sure the inside of your potential new home is kid friendly too. Check out fixtures and electrical outlets, make sure there are handrails on stairs, and make sure all upper level windows are in good working order and can be locked securely. If it is an older home, make sure asbestos has been removed from walls and ceilings, and check for an excess of vinyl flooring, which Consumer Reports states can contain dangerously high levels of lead. Visit KidsHealth.org and print out their child household safety checklists to use both when looking at homes as well as after you move.

Let Us Assist You Today

At Cavallo & Cavallo, our experienced New York real estate attorneys understand how important it is to find the right home for you. We provide trusted, professional legal services while also looking out for your best interests. With offices in the Bronx and Westchester, we are your neighborhood law firm. Call or contact us online today for a free consultation.

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