Planning for Short-Term Nursing Care Needs

Making a recovery and being able to resume your normal activities after a major illness or injury can take a considerable amount of time. This is particularly true for adults over age 65, who lack the ability to bounce back after physical traumas with the speed of their more younger counterparts. Short-term nursing care may be required in either of these situations, but for those older adults there is a greater chance that it will evolve into the need for more long-term care. Without Medicaid planning in place, you could find yourself unexpectedly paying high out of pocket costs which quickly deplete the savings you have worked hard to accumulate over the previous years.
The Need for Short-Term Nursing Home Care
Short-term care in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) is often recommended in the aftermath of surgery or as part of your recovery from an injury. Depending on your condition, your needs may center on daily care, such as changing dressings and monitoring medications, or you may need help in resuming mobility and being able to perform daily tasks. Under Medicare guidelines, this type of care may be covered if you meet the following requirements:
- You have Medicare Part A, with days left in your benefit period;
- Your admission to an SNF is under a doctor’s orders and after a qualifying hospital stay;
- Your medical provider certifies that care is required on a daily basis;
- The services you need are the result of a hospital-related condition or one that developed during your stay.
When a Short-Term Stay Results in the Need for Long-Term Care
Most of us would like to think we can spend our golden years comfortably in our own homes. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The older you get, the harder it is to make a complete recovery after an extended convalescence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are currently more than 15,000 nursing homes scattered throughout the United States, providing services for roughly 1.4 million residents. Many of these may have started out in temporary short-term care facilities, until ongoing issues and disabilities required the need for more permanent care, which is not covered by Medicare.
While you may have some provisions in place to eliminate the need for a nursing home, such as the support of family and friends, it is important to acknowledge health conditions or situations which would require a level of care that is beyond their ability to provide. Even if you are in fairly good health and not suffering the effects of any chronic conditions, a fall or even a harsh bout of flu could compromise your health enough to make a nursing home necessary. Medicaid planning now can help ensure you are prepared in the event this need arises.
Reach Out to Us Today for Help
To discuss Medicaid planning and how it can help you pay for nursing home costs, call or contact Cavallo & Cavallo and request a consultation at either our Bronx or Westchester office to discuss your options today.