Planning For The Future and Assessing The Need For Long Term Care Needs

From an early age, we put plans in place to achieve goals and increase our quality of life. Unfortunately, one area we often fail to factor in is the increased level of care we are likely to require as we get older. Assessing potential future needs and considering your options now in terms of Medicaid planning can help protect you and ensure you continue to live the type of life you want.
Assessing Future Needs For Long Term Care
No one likes to think of getting old or facing declines due to the aging process. These can end up preventing you from providing for yourself or engaging in your favorite hobbies and activities. While some people remain healthy and active into their 80s or 90s, others are more likely to require some type of assistance or long term care.
According to the non-profit group Health In Aging, physical, mental, and cognitive disabilities are the most common factor in the need for a nursing home or other types of long term care. Potential problems that increase your risks include:
- Chronic health conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, or high blood pressure;
- Respiratory problems and breathing disorders;
- Having a family history of certain medical conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, cancer, and heart disease or strokes;
- Smoking, overindulging in alcohol or fast food, and other unhealthy habits;
- Being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle.
All of these can take a heavy impact on your overall health and may necessitate the need for long term care in the future.
Planning Now For The Future
To protect yourself and your quality of life, it is important to plan now for future needs that are likely to arise. One of the first steps if to assess your health, the risks you face in terms of chronic conditions, and the types of long term care you may require.
Remaining in their own homes and aging in place is a common goal among many older adults. Medicaid community support services available through the New York Department of Health can help you achieve this goal. These can be combined with adjustments to make your living space more accessible. This also typically requires some help from adult children or other people in your life. Be sure and talk with your loved ones about your potential future needs and realistically consider your option in terms of long term care. Other plans to consider include:
- Residential facilities: These can provide a high level of independence while helping meet basic daily needs.
- Assisted living: These provide an additional level of care, including 24-hour monitoring and access to on-site medical care.
- Nursing homes: These provide the most extensive care for those unable to provide for themselves.
While all of these types of services are costly and can quickly drain your savings, Medicaid planning helps to offset the costs.
Let Us Help You Today
At Cavallo & Cavallo, we can help you put plans in place to ensure future long term care costs are covered. Call or contact our Bronx & Westchester Medicaid & nursing home attorneys and request a consultation in our office today.