Protecting Your Home During Hurricane Season

Hurricane season runs from June through November, but it is typically the late summer months that create the most dangers for homeowners. Even relatively mild tropical storms that make landfall in southern regions can travel up the coast, wreaking havoc for residents in New York City. As experienced New York real estate attorneys, we recommend taking precautions now to protect yourself during what is projected to be a busy storm season.
For Homeowners, Now Is The Time To Assess Your Storm Risks
Forecasters with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are predicting that there could be as many as 25 named storms during the 2020 hurricane season. For homeowners in the New York area, now is the time to assess your risks.
Storms that hit southern states often travel up the coast. As a result, they can bring high winds and heavy rains in our area. Factors to consider in terms of potential damages you could suffer include:
- Your proximity to beaches, bays, estuaries, and other waterways, which could put you in danger from storm surge;
- The elevation of your property, which may make it more likely to flood;
- The overall stability of your home and other structures on your property, which could face damage due to heavy winds;
- Nearby trees, telephone poles, and power lines, which may create hazards if a storm hits.
Prepare Your Home For Hurricane Season
In addition to being very active, the 2020 hurricane season is also hitting somewhat early. An August 4, 2020 CNN report details the damage caused by tropical storm Isaias, which resulted in five deaths. It caused major problems in New York and throughout the northeast, despite making landfall in the Carolinas.
While a minor storm can wreak havoc for homeowners, a major hurricane can result in complete devastation. Few New York residents will forget the disastrous outcome of Hurricane Sandy in 2012. While there is nothing you can do to prevent this type of storm, you can take some steps to protect yourself and your property. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recommends the following:
- Review insurance coverage. Pay attention to wind damage and if you recently purchased flood insurance, check to see when it goes into effect.
- Check your roof. Make sure it is securely sheathed. Call in a professional roofer if needed
- Assess your siding. Look for caps and loose areas, which could be vulnerable to high winds.
- Make sure doors and windows are secure. If they become damaged, the high winds that come in are more likely to do damage to the entire structure.
- Trim trees and bushes on your property. Falling limbs and flying debris is a major concern.
- Make other preparations. Organize important documents and make sure you have flashlights, bottled water, and other hurricane supplies ready
Let Us Help You Today
As your neighborhood law firm, our experienced Bronx & Westchester real estate attorneys are dedicated to protecting you and your investment in your home. Call or contact Cavallo & Cavallo online to request a consultation in our office today.