Tag Archives: New York Wills Attorney

Three Mistakes to Correct In Your Will
Drawing up a last will and testament plays a fundamental role in even the most uncomplicated of estate plans. It can help avoid time consuming and costly probate hearings while ensuring your loved ones are taken care of and that any property or assets are distributed according to your wishes. However, for a will… Read More »

What Happens If Your Will Is Contested?
Without a properly drafted and executed last will and testament in place, your property and assets are subject to the rules of intestate succession. This process goes up and down through your genealogy, distributing to your spouse first, then to children, then parents, then any siblings. While you may wish for some of these… Read More »
Making Sure Your Pets Are Provided For In Your Estate Plan
Pets make wonderful companions, and most owners develop strong relationships with their animals, treating them as cherished members of their family. While it can be hard when a beloved four-legged friend passes away, it is a part of life we are generally prepared for. Unfortunately, what we are often not prepared for is to… Read More »
Five Positive Things To Put In Your Will
Many people put off writing a will for obvious reasons. While it can be unpleasant to contemplate your own demise, having a legal will in place is a crucial part of estate planning, allowing you to designate who you want to inherit, while sparing your survivors the hassle of going through lengthy and potentially… Read More »
Charitable Bequests: Knowing Who To Donate To and How To Make Your Donation
Many of us have causes and charities to which we contribute both time and money on a regular basis. Without the regular weekly, monthly, or yearly donations of patrons such as yourself, many organizations that serve the needy, protect the environment, enliven the arts and encourage positive change for others would simply go out… Read More »